Thursday, March 15, 2012

New Covers!!

I thought it was going to be a quiet week for covers but I found a whole slew of them today! 

Love, love, love this cover!! I can not wait to see the stepback for it as I'm sure it will be smoldering!  It's a bit unfortunate there is not allusion to the heroines birthmark on her face but I guess you can't really have that on a romance cover.  So, so, so excited to read A Lady by Midnight at the end of August!  A beautiful midnight blue cover to match the title :)

Bam!  That's what I think when I see this cover, lol :)  She looks like she knows what she wants and how to get it and no one is going to mess with her.  Love the pretty blue.  I'm really looking forward to this one as well!  This one also releases August 28th.

Book four in Eloisa James' Fairy Tale series is obviously based on The Ugly Duckling and I love the swan on the cover. The Ugly Duchess will also be out August 28th (a month which I am going to go broke apparently!)

Lessons from a Scandalous Bride is book two in Sophie Jordan's Forgotten Princesses series and yet another eye-catching cover!  I really like the hot pink as a background.  I wonder if there will be a step back for this one?  This one will be out July 31st.

While I don't like this cover as much as Anna Randol's debut book, it still is giving me the feeling that it is set somewhere beyond just London/England area by the background.  Looking forward to more info about Sins of a Virgin before its August release.

The Warrior Laird will be July 31st.  I've read a few of her books and enjoyed them but this one looks to be more Scottish themed which is always a nice change of pace.

A Little More Scandal will be an ebook exclusive and is available for preorder at my favorite price, .99!  It will be out May 29th and is book 1.5 in her Christies series.  I have yet to read Flawless so I need to get on that soon so I can be caught up for her two new releases!  I really do like when publishers take the time to make even short novellas have lovely covers!

And then the next month (June 26th) we get the full lengthy release of Starlight!  Another pretty cover and I love the little sparkle of the stars.  Carrie Lofty sure has been blessed with some lovely covers!  (Flawless is one of my favorite covers ever)

When the Duchess Says Yes is book two is Isabella Bradford's debut series (under this pen name) the Wylder Sisters.  It fits in very nicely with the previous book and I love the fan :)  It will be out Sept 25th.

And lastly (seriously, I only had two covers until this morning!) is the upcoming start of a new self published series from Jess Michaels, who I have only read under her Jenna Petersen name but really enjoyed what I have read.  I'm intrigued by the series title 'Mistress Matchmaker' and can't wait until June to read this one!  I really love this cover as well!

As always, covers can change anytime :)

Whew!  What a bunch of lovely covers!  Sorry for your pocketbooks :)  I know mine will be crying, especially in August!  (Why, why, why does Avon publish so many great books in one month?!?  They need to spread it out a bit more, lol)


  1. It looks like blue is the color of the "season". Thanks for sharing these beautiful covers. I say Tessa's cover is my favorite.

    1. I really like that one too! August is soo far away!

  2. So excited for The Ugly Duchess! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Me too!! I really enjoy Eloisa James and I love retellings of fairytales :)

  3. Oooooh Pretty!

    Have to start saving for August, wishlist is getting longer and longer. Some great reads on the way. :)

    1. I know! I wished they spread them out a bit more sometimes, lol! It's hard on the wallet having so many wonderful books out in one month :)

  4. I thought reading books like this will be boring or something, but when I started reading and fall in the characters, I realized that I’m starting not just to like it but I fell in love with the book.

    1. Thats wonderful! It is always nice when you try something new and it works :)
