Ratings, disclaimers & requests


5 stars:  I loved it, its a keeper and very highly recommended!
4 stars:  I really liked it and would probably reread at some point, strongly recommended!
3 stars:  I liked it but didn't love it, neither bad or good but nothing spectacular, read and passed along
1 or 2 stars:  Very rare for me.  Something about the book just didn't work for me and I will not write up a review for it.

Reviewing Books

Any book that I receive from a publisher for review for my own honest opinions will be stated in my review.  I receive most of my ARC ebooks from Netgalley.com or from edelweiss.com from the publishers offered there and I occasionally receive ARCs from authors or publishers. (Ebooks will be considered but I need to be able to read them on my Kindle).  I will clearly state at the end of my review if the book is an ARC and my source for it.   All the rest of the books that I review I purchase with my own money or borrow from the library.

I read about two to three books a week depending on how my real life is treating me.   My sons are 5 and 6 1/2 and they keep me very busy!  I also work from home doing data entry and that is, unfortunately, my priority everyday.  I publish any early reviews in the month the book is released and and other reviews of books currently out at the time I read them.  If you are interested in having me read your book, please email me at tigger_time2 at yahoo.com.  I reserve the right to decline any books based on my current book load.  I read for pleasure and do not want to become overburden by reviews :)

No new requests are being accepted at this time (unless you are an author I have worked with before).  This will hopefully change by the fall.  Thanks for understanding!!  Currently I am only accepting request for historical romances and on a very limited basis! There is also an approximate two week-one month delay on requests.  Most will be done within two weeks but it could take up to a month with homework and after school activities eating into my reading time :) Thanks! 

FTC Disclaimer

If you happen to click on a link that I have provided in my review it may take you to Amazon.com where I will get a very small percent of any purchases you make.  (And since I have not been able to get my Amazon Associates link to work, not much is linked to them at the moment)  I also link to goodreads.com where no monetary compensation is received.  Any compensation I do receive goes right back into this blog for future giveaways and maintaining the blog. 

All thoughts on this blog are my own and I am never compensated.