Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Going Forward. . .

Hi All--

I just wanted to let you all know I am taking a small break from my blog here.  With both my kids in school now (why do they have so much homework already?!?) and going back to working full time, I just do not have the time to keep my blog as up to date as I have in the past.

I will still review a few books a month but only on Goodreads and Amazon.  I have found I prefer to read short and to the point reviews so that is also what you may see from me going forward, it just depends on the book and if I have a lot of gushing to do or not :)

Thank you for all your support and I hope you understand the reason I need to take a break to be with  my family more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa

    Sorry to hear that we won't be seeing much of you on the blog but I definitely DO understand how important it is to spend time with the family. That homework can be so time consuming :D :D Best wishes <3
